Thought Leader Life 194: Guest Chad Cooper
Master the next level of your life by undergoing a customized coaching program. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Chad Cooper (, a published and peer-reviewed author, a motivational speaker and a high-performance coach.
Chad helps individuals who want to shatter the status quo and begin to live the life they were born to live. As a professional life coach, he provides a proven system that empowers people to achieve their next level of success.
To learn more about Chad Cooper, go to To get in touch with him, visit
Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:
- The pain point of successful professionals who desire to level up is not having a certified life coach who can guide them towards mastering their next level of success. #NextLevelMastery @CoachChadCooper
- Professionals who feel stuck in the status quo and want to navigate to their next level of success, should consider getting the help of a certified life coach with a proven track record in the coaching world. #NextLevelMastery
- Does discernment about which fence to come down on come easily for you? Do you have the courage to do what your inner person really wants to do? Consider getting a certified life coach to assist you in bringing the answers to the surface.
- One of the issues that professionals face in the workplace is the pressure to conform and being crammed into a box with everybody else. Do you want to make your mark and live a legendary life? Time to level up. #NextLevelMastery @CoachChadCooper
- Many professionals often face too many opportunities, or they face a roadblock. Either way, they may lack the clarity to choose and the willpower to do the best thing. A certified life coach can come alongside and help them in their journey of discovery. #NextLevelMastery
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