Thought Leader Life 129: Guest Hamendra Arora
Our co-hosts for Episode 129 are John Dunlap (@JohnCDunlap) and Marty Desrochers (@IconicMarty) and our guests is Hamendra Arora.
In this episode, Mitchell Levy, The AHA Guy at AHAthat: http://AHAthat.com/, together with his co-hosts, John Dunlap, CEO of Iconic Attractions Group (http://iconicattractions.com), and Marty Desrochers, President of Operation: Pineapple (http://operationpineapple.com), conduct a content-driven interview with Hamendra Arora, Senior Director of Revenue Growth Management at companies like Coca-Cola, ACNielsen, and Miller Coors.
Hamendra, who has strategic growth accomplishments at different companies, shares the importance of taking care about revenue growth management, whether your business is in crisis or you want to keep its growth in control. He also points out that marketing plans, pricing approaches, and product strategies must all be set together in order to meet the needs of your customers.
Though the speakers of this episode come from different types of industries, they all share a common purpose: to drive sustainable enhancement in revenue management and keep consumers satisfied. They pull together their best practices to help others reinforce their pricing strategies and promotion tactics.
This episode integrates tactical campaign opportunities and strategic objectives to help your business strive and manage customer demand.
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Don’t miss the following inspiring AhaMessagesTM from the episode:
• Revenue management involves having well-managed pricing and well-understood business plans. http://aha.pub/HamendraArora-LI
• Want a great deal? Encourage your customers to buy a lot more product than they had originally come in for! @johncdunlap
• Fact: prices automatically change over time. What’s your approach to deal with this? @happyabout
• Maximize revenue by setting or changing the price of your products or services based on the day of the week or season. @iconicmarty
• Price doesn’t really matter to customers; it’s the experience and benefit they get out of the products. http://aha.pub/HamendraArora-LI
Find out more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks that are up for grab in the social media-enabled eBook platform, AHAthat: http://AHAthat.com/.
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