It’s Lonely at the Top
For this month, Mitchell Levy, Chief Instigator of Ahas on the Aha Amplifier (http://AhaAmplifier.com), is joined by #ThoughtLeader Jim Canfield, the CEO of Renaissance Executive Forums. Jim reaches out to thousands of top executives to help them become better leaders of their company by providing a venue where they can share perspectives and ideas with other top executives. The main focus of this month’s discussions is the 5 P’s: people, process, performance, personal leadership, and planning.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-march-15-co-host-jim-canfield/
Watch: https://youtu.be/bNeSiSvqZjQ
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-Mar15.mp3
In Episode 63, Mitchell and Jim exchange insights with #ThoughtLeader Bruce McLennan of Farnsworth Group. In this episode, the importance of forum groups is emphasized. Forum groups can have a powerful impact on its members, helping them make better decisions and become better leaders and managers.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-063-guest-bruce-mclennan/
Watch: https://youtu.be/hwuamzYMCU0
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-063.mp3
In Episode 64, Mitchell and Jim talk to #ThoughtLeader Melissa Burkhart, the president of FuturoSolido. They discuss how many top executives find it lonely at the top and how forum groups such as Renaissance have given them support and encouragement and provided opportunities, among other benefits.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-064-guest-melissa-burkhart/
Watch: https://youtu.be/lzz2JY8hzIM
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-064.mp3
In Episode 65, Mitchell and Jim interview #ThoughtLeader Tim Leman, chairman and CEO at Gibson Insurance. Tim shares how he copes with the changes when on top: leadership blogs. Another interesting topic is the evolution of his company as a place where millennials and boomers get to work and support each other.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-065-guest-tim-leman/
Watch: https://youtu.be/GmQBo3uNtc8
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-065.mp3
In the final episode for the month, Mitchell and Jim discuss with #ThoughtLeader Ken Hazen, CEO of CTSI Global, about the importance of forums like Renaissance, and Ken notes the friendships he has made there. Topics such as hiring millennials, utilizing social media for business, and how to be successful in striking work-life balance a real so touched on.
The blog with embedded audio and video: https://thoughtleaderlife.com/thoughtleaderlife/thought-leader-life-066-guest-ken-hazen/
Watch: https://youtu.be/YALtW0NiFmo
Listen: http://traffic.libsyn.com/fir/FIRThoughtLeaderMM-066.mp3
Check out these four episodes to discover why forum groups such as Renaissance can help executives in every aspect of their lives.
Join us every Saturday at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm GMT at YouTube.com/user/ThoughtLeaderLife