Jay McKeever Marketer, Social Seller on Thought Leader Life 013
Jay McKeever is the Director of Worldwide Marketing for Cincom.
In this episode of Thought Leader Life, Mitchell and Michael shares insights with guest thought leader Jay McKeever about creating awareness, winning advocates and bridging the proverbial sales and marketing divide. Jay has been in the marketing scene for nearly 17 years now as the Worldwide Director for Cincom Systems, Inc. (http://www.cincom.com). Aside from his regular tenure at Cincom, Jay is known for espousing thought leadership through Cincom’s radio program Expert Access Radio (http://expertaccess.cincom.com/category/podcast/). Jay thinks of himself as a ‘thought leader promoter’ which he says is a type of thought leadership where you further develop ideas in a collaborative environment.
Mitchell has previously been exchanging notes with Jay about the thought leadership funnel (http://www.thinkaha.com/thought-leadership-funnel) and in this episode, Jay explains why he thinks the advocates level in a many-to-many environment is the “nirvana” for thought leaders. Having advocates who tell their friends and peers what a great experience it was to have your product or service and put their name and reputation on the line for you is what everyone wants. Michael mentions how he turned into an advocate of Jay and his team at Cincom after guesting at their radio show and experiencing how the team did everything right in putting together the show.
Tackling the issue of sales and marketing divide, Jay explains the role marketing play in reaching out to sales and helping them understand the value of delivering the right content to the right audiences across many channels. The strategy at Cincom is to pick out the “early adaptors” in the sales team and help them be successful by teaching them to be active in the social media. The marketing team puts together the content for sales and encourages a selected sales person to connect with people, be active in groups, engage in conversations with future advocates, and establish his or her social presence. In today’s world, when you are in the marketing space, you have to think about keeping up. Where before, you have 7 avenues to get your message out, today you have even more avenues or channels to consider, and for each channel, you must have a specific plan.
More about Jay at www.linkedin.com/in/jaymckeever
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife
Here are a couple of aha moments from the episode. See more in the upcoming book (http://www.thinkaha.com/thinkaha-app-books/).
- Referrals are the lifeblood of selling. @jaymckeever
- Learning is a lifelong process, you can never say ‘I got it all figured out!’ @jaymckeever
- What works today might not work tomorrow. @jaymckeever
- Facebook helps B2B sales people warm up their cold leads. @THiNKaha
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