Michael Griego on Thought Leader Life 007
On 25 Jan (11 am PT/ 2 pm ET / 7 pm GMT) join us as we talk with Michael Griego.
Michael has over 30 years of high-technology sales and management experience at companies ranging from IBM, StorageTek/XLDatacomp, and Dataquest/Gartner Group. He has served as vice president of sales and marketing roles for Zona/Intelliquest and Active Decisions, and as executive vice president at Workshare. His sales book 42 Rules to Increase Sales Effectiveness was published by SuperStar Press, 2009 (2nd Edition, 2013). He’s also authored Strategic Sales Execution – the Next Generation Process for Effective Sales and Sales Management, an effectiveness-training program for sales people and executive management. A popular sales trainer, instructor/lecturer, motivational and keynote speaker at CEO Summits and leading Bay Area business schools, Michael has been an advisor, coach and consultant for numerous executives and trained dozens of teams and thousands of salespeople. He has a BA degree from Occidental College and an MBA from Stanford University.
Michael Griego @MikeGriego discusses how sales people need to become thought leaders.
More about Michael at www.linkedin.com/in/michaelgriego
Some Tweetable Moments from the show:
- ABC Always Be Closing is old school, sales has to shift via @MikeGriego
- Jill @Jill_Rowley has redefined ABC as Always Be Connected via @HappyAbout
- Rule 12 in his Sales book – How do you be a superstar? Understand the other person and care. via @MikeGriego
- LinkedIn and other tools are getting a bit overused but it is forcing a refinement which will be good for everyone via @MikeGriego
In any sales organization there are some thought leaders already via @MikeGriego
Join us 11 am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm GMT on Saturday every week.