Mike Bosworth Sales Trainer on Thought Leader Life 012
Mike Bosworth (@MikeBLeadership) began his career in the information technology industry in 1972 as a customer support person with Xerox Computer Services (XCS). In 1975, he was their number one new business salesperson, selling first generation material requirements planning (MRP) systems. Mike was the primary architect and deliverer of XCS sales training.
In 1983, Bosworth founded Solution Selling®, a virtual sales process consulting and training business. In 1993, he wrote “Solution Selling: Creating Buyers in Difficult Selling Markets” (McGraw-Hill).
In 2001, he co-founded CustomerCentric Systems (CCS) with Frank Visgatis, Gary Walker and John Holland. CCS helps its customers improve sales effectiveness and shape their customer experience by integrating marketing with their sales process.
In November 2003, along with John Holland, Bosworth authored “Customer Centric Selling” (McGraw-Hill).
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