Robert Galinsky on Thought Leader Life 006
See our talk with Robert Galinsky an inspirational speaker, social media connector, and creative coffee muse below.
He recently crowd-funded fifty thousand dollars to develop Coffee The Musical, which he plans to take to Broadway and license internationally.
Galinsky is a critically acclaimed writer, performer, and entrepreneur. He is sought after and booked for various speaking engagements and training programs for clients that include Grey Advertising, Virgin Mobile, Thomson Reuters, Nielsen Company, Zyloware, and more.
Galinsky is the founder of the social media company Kuhoots (with over nine hundred thousand followers), which was quickly acquired by C-Suite Holdings. He is also the founder of the world’s first and only school for reality TV, the New York Reality TV School. He also appears on television for programs such as The View, Geraldo, ABC New’s Nightline, and more.