Thought Leader Life 039: Guests Mark Babbitt & Ted Coine
Mark Babbitt (@MarkSBabbitt) is CEO and Founder of YouTern, named by Mashable as a “Top 5 Online Community for Starting Your Career” and by Forbes in both 2012 and 2013 as a “Top Website for Your Career”.
Mark is also President of SwitchandShift.com, a leadership blog that enables organizations and leaders transition successfully from the Industrial Age to the Social Age, and CMO and co-Founder of ForwardHeroes.org, a non-profit that positions our military veterans for success in the civilian workforce.
A serial mentor, author, keynote speaker and blogger, Mark has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Mashable. Forbes and Bloomberg News regarding social media’s impact on business, leadership in the Social Age, career development, and higher education’s role in preparing emerging talent for the workforce. Mark’s contributions include Huffington Post, IBM’s Social Business Insights, SwitchandShift.com, The Muse, Alltop and PRDaily.
Mark has been honored to be on GenJuice’s list of “Top 100 Most Desirable Mentors”, HR Examiner’s “Top 25 Trendspotters in HR” and CareerBliss.com’s list of “Top 10 Gen Y Experts”. He has also been included on several top blogger lists, including JobMob’s “Top Career Bloggers of 2011”.
Mark is also the father of five children, a grandfather and husband to the woman who tolerates him (barely). He and his wife call Seattle and Lake Tahoe home.
Ted Coine (@TedCoine) is co-founder of Switch and Shift, a multimedia leadership community that believes organizations – in order to thrive in the Social Age – must focus on building trust-based relationships, leading with purpose, and enabling employees to do work that matters. The community, which features the most engaging bloggers, authors and innovators in the leadership arena, maintains as its focus, “The Human Side of Business.”
Ted’s leadership and social influence – with over 300,000 Twitter organic followers – has helped Switch and Shift receive national attention, including #2 ranking on CMOE’s “Top 100 Socially-Shared Leadership Blogs” in 2013. Other accolades for Ted includes being featured as:
• No. 1 on SAP’s “Business Innovation Top 60 Customer Experience Influencers”
• No. 9 on Forbes’ list of “Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers”
• No. 13 on Huffington Post’s “Top 100 Most Social Pros on Twitter”
In addition to being a keynote speaker, Ted is the featured contributor to SAP’s blog, Business2Community and CEO.com. He is also the author of:
• Five-Star Customer Service (iUniverse, 2005)
• Spoil ’Em Rotten! Five-Star Customer Delight In Action (iUniverse, 2007)
• Return On Morale (Snippet, 2013)
• A World Gone Social: How Companies Must Adapt To Survive (AMACOM, August 2014)
Find out more about A World Gone Social at http://www.aworldgonesocial.com/
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