Thought Leader Life 071: Guest Ramon Ray
Our co-host for the month of May is Martin Jones (@martinjonesaz) and one of our guests for May was Ramon Ray (@ramonray).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy and his co-host for the month of May, Martin Jones, interview #ThoughtLeader Ramon Ray, a small business evangelist at Infusionsoft, publisher of Smart Hustle Magazine, and a technology crusader. These gentlemen all relate their opinions based on the solid foundations they have from their respective fields of expertise, while still retaining a business perspective. The session starts with Mitchell’s observation that life has changed dramatically, especially for small businesses, in terms on how you can reach out to customers and future customers. Ramon Ray categorized his perspective into three areas: 1) customers expect small businesses to respond faster, 2) we’re on a road where privacy is no longer something we can assume as guaranteed, and 3) there is increased speed and efficiency, which he thinks may be both good and bad.
One can fail faster, so it’s easier to start something and see if it works; if not, one can try something else or go back to a day job. Mitchell adds, emphasizing the word, “failing,” that one thing that has changed dramatically is that failing is being looked at as a good thing, because if you’re in a small business and you’re able to fail faster and spend less money, you can figure out what didn’t work, modify it slightly, and do it again, which makes it a fantastic experience. Martin believes the important thing of what makes a small business more competitive with its bigger counterparts is that it’s able to be very nimble, reacting and responding quickly. The marketplace needs small businesses that can adapt to new technologies and new platforms, and implement necessary changes very rapidly, sometimes even week to week, and it’s a great advantage of small business.
What’s the “must play”of social media? There are many sets of tools relating to the medium. Ramon shares his passion for social media and the benefits of using it: 1) it goes straight to your audience, and 2) there are so many opportunities because it’s fast to the point where you can really search a target easily, like whom you want to speak to. Social media makes your life easier, better, and quicker for when you need to do things, especially if you’re maintaining a blog for your business and you don’t have much time to spare in writing content. Wouldn’t you be interested to use such tools to help you out on certain tasks? Small businesses are able to function well in the market and not just think of the investments it’ll have in terms of tools. It’s more about looking at the bigger picture of growth that your businesss experiences.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of aha moments from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• Social media allows you to be a publisher. @RamonRay #TLL
• There’s nothing boring in business. It’s aboutfinding passion points to run your business. @martinjonesaz #TLL
• Life has changed dramatically forsmall businesses in terms of how you can reach out toyour customers and future customers. @happyabout #TLL
• What are 4 pillars of social media success? Frequent,Relevant,Engaged & Analytics (FREA). @RamonRay #TLL
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