Thought Leader Life 072: Guest Ted Rubin
Our co-host for the month of May is Martin Jones (@martinjonesaz) and one of our guests for May was Ted Rubin (@TedRubin).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy and this month’s co-host, Martin Jones, senior marketing manager at Cox Communications, continue their discussion on small business #ThoughtLeadership and how #ThoughtLeaders can become successful in their own space. Mitchell and Martin are joined by Mr. #RonR himself, #ThoughtLeader Ted Rubin, who shares brilliant insights on the Age of Influence and how to look people in the eye digitally. As an experienced marketing strategist, Martin discusses how large companies are now going local and how small businesses can take full advantage of their nimbleness. Ted emphasizes the need for large companies to scale and take on employee advocacy seriously, and mentions companies like IBM, Dell, and Cox Communications to be doing a great job in letting their employees build their personal brand.
Ted also gives tips to businesses on how large brands can make employee advocacy work for them, including providing support and making them comfortable about sharing content. He mentions two reasons why employees don’t share content: 1) they are afraid to share the wrong content and then get punished by management, and 2) they don’t have time to curate the content themselves. Martin says that developing employee advocacy is actually about trusting your employees, even if they make a mistake. Another good point emphasized by Ted is the need to follow through whenever you reach out to people. He cites hotels as an example: when the manager writes a note that they want to reach you, and when you respond, they never get back to you. Not responding and interacting is worse than not reaching out at all. Mitchell notes the importance of really listening to people. For Martin, once you start looking at people in the eye digitally, you have to do it on a daily basis.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of aha moments from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• Large businesses now want to function more as a small business. They’re seeing the benefits of going local. @martinjonesaz #TLL
• Small businesses today have new tools, new technologies & many opportunities to grow. @happyabout #TLL
• 2 reasons employees don’t share content: fear they’ll share the wrong content & no time to curate content themselves. @TedRubin #TLL
• Treat employees like your own kids. Teach by example, give them the tools & let them out into the world hoping they learned. @TedRubin #TLL
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