Thought Leader Life 074: Guest Steven Aldrich
Our co-host for the month of May is Martin Jones (@martinjonesaz) and one of our guests for May was Steven Aldrich (@spaldrich).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy @HappyAbout and his co-host for the month of May, Martin Jones @martinjonesaz of Cox Communications, talk with the AVP of GoDaddy, #ThoughtLeader Steven Aldrich @spaldrich, who shares some great new tools and tips for small businesses. The interview wraps up an amazing month for #TLL that focused on small businesses marketing #ThoughtLeadership, as it discusses the fundamental as well as the prospective set of tools and applications small businesses can use to be successful online. For Steve, small businesses today are fortunate to have mobile technology and the cloud allowing them to work wherever and whenever they want. Mitchell notes that having functionality at your fingertips works best for everyone, especially small business owners. Some new apps were mentioned during the discussion, including Martin’s favorite, IFTTT, and Feedly.com, where he gets his news feeds and content to share to his customers. Other exciting tools are Microsoft Office Delve, Google feeds, and ContentGems.
Small business owners must think about having an online presence, building their own web domain and participating in groups as a basic “to-do” list before going to the next level of social media marketing. Martin points out that it’s always best to try out new things, because what works well for one business may not be a good match for yours. It’s wise to seek multipleservices or platforms to monitor and evaluate before committing to anything.
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Here are a couple of aha moments from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• The technology to engage future & current advocates haschanged so much in a short period of time. @happyabout #TLL
• Combinations of mobile & cloud allow small businesses to be dramatically productive. @spaldrich #TLL
• Do anything that will make you stand out and be memorable. @martinjonesaz #TLL
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