Thought Leader Life 077: Guest Paul Gillin
Our co-host for the month of June is Todd Van Hoosear (@vanhoosear) and one of our guests for June was Paul Gillin @pgillin..
In this episode, Mitchell Levy and his co-host for the month of June, Todd Van Hoosear (@vanhoosear), Vice President for Public Relations and Stakeholder Engagement at HB Agency, hold an interesting discussion with #ThoughtLeader Paul Gillin. They talk about why orgs need to take advantage of their employees and advocates by supporting their individual brand to advance the business. Paul maintains that every org should use all resources for promotion, and the most obvious people to spread the message are employees. Trust them to talk in the marketplace and represent the org and shun the old ways of operating. Paul takes note of the paradox currently going on, where there are outfitter conversations on one hand and tight, rigid control of a message nobody will see on the other. The task at hand is to guide the millennials, who now compose the largest demographic group in the US workforce, provide incentives, and take advantage of their enthusiasm.
The conversation also touches on how #ThoughtLeadership has evolved to become more democratized and how #ThoughtLeaders are able to leverage different channels to take the audience to different levels. In terms of hauling in millions of followers (or viewers, if YouTube is being used for the #ThoughtLeadership), the question of monetization is raised. Paul explains that monetizing in the traditional sense has become very difficult, especially with interaction between the #ThoughtLeader and the audience now becoming more direct. An example is with the music industry: it used to be that music had to be paid for before you could enjoy it, but thanks to piracy, music is now given away to get people to come to concerts and events. Other exciting topics covered in the interview deal with empowering frontline employees, using social media to advance the brand, and promoting #ThoughtLeadership.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of aha moments from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• When in doubt, just open the door, and we’ll figure it out together. @vanhoosear #TLL
• Your frontline employees today are your greatest strengths, but also your greatest weaknesses. @PGillin #TLL
• You hire employees to do business for you, but don’t trust them to talk in the marketplace?I don’t get it! @happyabout #TLL
• Anybody can be an effective voice of the company. @PGillin #TLL
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