Thought Leader Life 078: Guest Emily Reichert
Our co-host for the month of June is Todd Van Hoosear (@vanhoosear) and one of our guests for June was Emily Reichert (@EmilyLReichert).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy and his co-host for the month of June, Todd Van Hoosear (@vanhoosear), Vice President for Public Relations and Stakeholder Engagement at HB Agency, hold a very interesting discussion with Greentown Labs, Inc. CEO Emily L. Reichert. The focus of the discussion is on B2B #ThoughtLeadership, particularly on how to build your own brand around the company brand. Mitchell stresses that balancing the two has been a big concern for companies to figure out. Emily agrees, noting that CEOs should always be thinking about how to use one’s personal brand to build the corporate brand. They are two separate things that are important to grow together. Think about what you want to put out there, and ask the question: “When people think about me, what do I want them to feel?”
The discussion also touched briefly on the appropriateness of traditional venture capital models in today’s world and how Emily and Greentown Labs have shown that small companies can move forward with innovation without turning to venture capital. What Greentown Labs does is drive #ThoughtLeadership for start-ups and provide opportunities for companies to become #ThoughtLeaders in their own space. Emily also explains why they appreciate companies that actually outshine Greentown Labs in terms of marketing, because that means they have been successful in getting their client’s brand out.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of aha moments from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• When people think about you, what do you want them to feel? @EmilyLReichert #TLL
• Every CEO should have a definitive response to a question about the direction of the company’s Twitter stream. @happyabout #TLL
• Getting #ThoughtLeaders on board to interact with and help develop the company’s #ThoughtLeadership is the way to go. @vanhoosear #TLL
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