Thought Leader Life 082: Guest Kevin Nichols
Our co-host for the month of Our co-host for the month of July is Scott Abel (@ScottAbel) and one of our guests for July was Kevin Nichols (@kpnichols).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy and his co-host for the month of July, Content Wrangler (http://www.contentwrangler.com) president Scott Abel, hold an insightful conversation with global content strategist and #ThoughtLeader Kevin Nichols (http://www.kevinpnichols.com). This month’s theme is creating content that drives exceptional customer experience, and the discussion for this episode provides deeper analysis of how we should look at content in today’s world and understand the components of content development and management. Kevin gives emphasis to the point that content is primarily at the center of the customer’s relationship with the brand. The right content strategy looks at content as an ecosystem and manages it in a way where you can constantly re-assess if it still adds value to the customer or not. This can be done if we understand the life cycle of content, i.e. acquire, create, design, publish, measure the efficacy, and optimize it, then continue on with this process when managing it. With this closed loop strategy, managing content becomes a continuous process of evaluating the efficacy of content and creating effective, meaningful, relevant, and timely content for the consumers. According to Kevin, if we present the elements of content management in a diagram, we have a triangle with content, the consumer, and the product/service in the three corners, and the brand enclosing those three elements in a loop.
Kevin also notes that as the attention span of consumers becomes shorter, the more challenging it is to integrate content into the process of developing customer relationships. There is now a multi-channel approach to delivering content based on consumer needs. To develop seamless consumer experience, listen to the consumer and know which content serves up to them. However, consumer-driven approaches in content management still remaina challenge for many companies because it entails refactoring your entire operations around a host and doing away with organizational silos.
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Here are a couple of AhaMessages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• “Why are brands not where they need to be?” is a question that needs to be asked more frequently. @kpnichols #TLL
• Next to a product or service, content is the definitive mechanism for a relationship that a consumer has with the brand. @kpnichols #TLL
• When creating content, mimic human-to-human communication. Listen to non-verbal cues. @scottabel #TLL
• To have customer-centric content and relationships, the whole process of interacting with the customer needs to be re-written. @happyabout #TLL
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