Thought Leader Life 084: Guest Carmen Simon
Our co-host for the month of July is Scott Abel (@ScottAbel) and one of our guests for July was Carmen Simon (@areyoumemorable).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy and his co-host for the month, Content Wrangler (http://www.contentwrangler.com) Scott Abel, wrap up the month’s theme about using content to have exceptional customer experience as they share insights with guest #ThoughtLeader Dr. Carmen Simon of Rexi Media (http://www.reximedia.com). Dr. Simon is a recognized expert in neuroscience who has helped many executives answer the question, “How can I be memorable?” In what Mitchell describes as one of the most interesting interviews they’ve had on #TLL, a science-based approach to creating content that sticks is explained by Dr. Simon. She surmises that when you create content, hook it to an old habit or something familiar.
While people welcome change and innovation, you can’t say everything else is suddenly wrong. Have a good proportion of habit and novelty. That way, you become memorable. Because people tend to choose the path of least resistance, when you speak about changes without tying that to a familiar routine, it doesn’t stick in their memory. At the same time, you can only be remembered when you introduce an innovation. You don’t give customer experience that stands out if there’s nothing that deviates from the pattern.
When you make a presentation, some people might react positively and say, “Yes, that’s the way to do it!” and then they don’t do it. It’s because of the volume of change that’s needed to be done. In our content distribution efforts, we underestimate the power of how ingrained some of our memories are. It is difficult to be exposed to so much change all at once. As you reflect on your own content, find a shortcut to thinking you can give your audience, so it can provide an entry point to stick in the memory. That way, you too can influence decisions.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of AhaMessages™ from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• If you have the luxury of entering people’s minds, imagine how you can influence their decisions. @areyoumemorable #TLL
• To be in someone’s memory means to stay alive for that much longer. @areyoumemorable #TLL
• You can be constantly aware of good experiences because of one memorable bad experience. @scottabel #TLL
• As human beings, we want to learn, grow, and help others. These are natural habits we have. @happyabout #TLL
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