Thought Leader Life 085: Co-host Paula Chiocchi
Our co-host for the month of August is Paula Chiocchi (@outwardmediainc) .
In this episode, Mitchell Levy introduces his co-host for the month, Paula Chiocchi, Founder and B2B Email Marketing Diva at Outward Media, Inc., or OMI (http://www.outwardmedia.com). Dozens of Fortune 2000 companies turn to her expertise to connect with buyers and influencers and convert prospects to customers. The theme for #TLL this month is how to efficiently and effectively use email marketing to build your success. In the next #TLL interviews, Mitchell and Paula will engage guests on discussions about connecting with customers and share views around the question, “Is email marketing dead?”
As an expert in providing B2B and B2C direct marketing data, Paula is firm in the belief that email marketing is not dead. At a time when social media has become the marketing trend, Paula says getting a return of $44 for every $1 spent on email marketing should convince skeptics. In fact, many large companies have been using email marketing with successful results, given the many advantages of having this type of marketing versus direct mail, for example. In email marketing, you have the ability to send the right message to the right receiver or audience, and you can change that message on the fly as your relationship with the customer progresses. In email marketing, you can actually get your message out to a wider market more quickly, more efficiently, and with higher return on investment.
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Here are a couple of AhaMessages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• Email marketing involves a typical B2B marketer trying out B2C marketing. @outwardmediainc #TLL
• Everychannel — direct mail, email marketing, telemarketing, social media, mobile — feeds into your ecosystem. @outwardmediainc #TLL
• Reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. Are you doing that? @happyabout #TLL
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