Thought Leader Life 086: Linda West and Rachel Rosin
Our co-host for the month of August is Paula Chiocchi (@outwardmediainc) and one of our guests for August are Linda West (@misslindawest) and Rachel Rosin (@rosin_rachel).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy andhis co-host for the month, Paula Chiocchi,founder and B2B Email Marketing Diva at Outward Media, Inc. (OMI http://www.outwardmedia.com), hold a refreshing discussion with two brilliant women at Act-On software (http://www.act-on.com), Linda West and Rachel Rosin. The conversation digs into the facets of email marketing and how marketers can best use this channel to achieve success. Rachel and Linda maintain that the email marketing we used to know is now dead because it has evolved, the techniques have changed, and the measurement for success is different. They emphasize the importance of email marketing as they explain why in today’s world, a more important measurement for success is click-through rates, not open rates. Linda notes that there are different ways to use email to help people engage withyour brand. With email marketing, you can send the right message at the right time to the person you want to reach. Linda and Rachel also cite a study that shows trigger emails actually having higher open rates than normal stand alone emails.
There are a number of techniques and best practices shared by Linda and Rachel in using email marketing to engage customers. Linda likens email marketing to developing a relationship with someone: you don’t ask someone to marry you on your first date. Develop a long-term relationship with your customer to make it work. Rachel also suggests using video and animated banners to make your email more attractive to the customer. When developing your content, think about what your future customer needs. At the end of the day, customers want to know what your product is about, but they first want to know how it relates to what they do.
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Here are a couple of AhaMessages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• Email marketing is definitely not dead, the techniques havejust changed. @Rosin_Rachel #TLL
• Your buyer needs somebody to relate to. It’s not what your company is, it’s the why. @happyabout #TLL
• Email is half art, half science. @MissLindaWest #TLL
• In the next 20 years, we could lose about a million B2B salespeople because of the Internet. @outwardmediainc #TLL
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