Thought Leader Life 089: Guest Kneko Burney
Our co-host for the month of August is Paula Chiocchi (@outwardmediainc) and one of our guests was Kneko Burney (@kneko).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy and his co-host for the month, Paula Chiocchi, founder and B2B Email Marketing Diva at Outward Media, Inc., or OMI (http://www.outwardmedia.com), wrap up this month’s interesting discussions on email marketing by having guest #ThoughtLeader Kneko Burney on to talk about B2B customer engagement and why less is more in B2B marketing. Currently the founder and CEO at Change3 Enterprises (http://www.change3e.com), Kneko has years of experience helping companies grow their business by focusing on engaging customers, using email as a channel. She defines email as music customers want to listen to and so it should not be used just as a medium. How we interact with email and use it to engage with customers determines how companies can ensure higher open and click-through rates.
Following on Paula’s statement that email is the preferred channel for B2B, Kneko notes that to be able to find success in email marketing, you have to first identify who your customers are and what message will resonate with them. She says many companies find it difficult to even define who theideal customer is and to find a match from a contact list. Paula says that when identifying your customers, you have to mirror your prospect database to the customer base and with that, get the best conversion and ROI. Clean up your database through segmentation and avoid just making noise with messages that are not relevant to the person receiving it. In this world, person-to-person communication is the best strategy to get more engagement and higher conversation rates.
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Here are a couple of AhaMessagesTM from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• Have an intelligent, involved, disciplined communication strategy. That’s not easy to do, but it’s effective over time. @kneko #TLL
• The hardest decision you have to makeas B2B marketer is how to make your database smaller. @outwardmediainc #TLL
• Stay focused on what your clients pay attention to and what you can deliver to them. @happyabout #TLL
• Less is more when it comes to B2B marketing. @kneko #TLL
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