Thought Leader Life 098: Guest Brett Beveridge
Our co-host for the month of October is Jeff Shavitz (@JeffShavitz) and one of our guests was Brett Beveridge (@bbeveridge).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy, Chief Aha Instigator of the Aha Amplifier (http://AhaAmplifier.com),and his co-host for the month, #ThoughtLeader Jeff Shavitz (http://www.jeffshavitz.com), founder of TrafficJamming (http://www.trafficjamming.com), share great ideas and innovations with Brett Beveridge, founder and CEO of Retail Outsource Companies (http://www.theretailoutsource.com). Brett gives his insights on how to drive foot traffic to physical stores in today’s world where everyone seems to be ordering online and getting everything delivered. As a person who grew his business from bootstraps to over 300 retail stores nationwide, Brett believes that retail stores are here to stay because people want to experience the products firsthand before buying them. With his company specializing in mobile phone retail selling, Brett gives great advice on techniques to drive foot traffic to your retail store, including providing customers incentives, holding “contest boxes” in which customers can win something just by entering a retail store, and delivering the greatest customer experience. Don’t be afraid to go out of your store to look for customers. Go where the fish are. Think outside the box and find an omnichannel that will make your customer want to experience what you’re offering them, even if it means driving five minutes to get to your store.
Mitchell points out the importance of training your salespeople to be brilliant, educated, friendly, and have the ability to make a follow-through. When you make customers feel like they’re important two-thirds of the time, you can then use the remaining one-third as an opportunity to sell.
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Here are a couple of AhaMessages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life”eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• Giving customers the incentive to want to experience your store is critical to the future of your business. @bbeveridge #TLL
• When customers remember you, that’s one way to build long-term traffic to your store. @bbeveridge #TLL
• How doyou make a customer stay for an extra minute? If you can do that, you get another opportunity to sell. @jeffshavitz #TLL
• Probably the second hardest item to buy in lifeis a phone, so having a salesperson help you through is great. @happyabout #TLL
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