Thought Leader Life 104: Guest Beth Kanter
Our co-host for the month of November is Kami Huyse (@kamichat) and one of our guests was Beth Kanter (@Kanter).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy, Chief Aha Instigator of the Aha Amplifier (http://AhaAmplifier.com), with his co-host for the month, #ThoughtLeader Kami Huyse, CEO of Zoetica Media (http://www.zoeticamedia.com), wrap up the month with #ThoughtLeader Beth Kanter, talking about how nonprofit organizations can become the best cause marketers by taking care of their people. Beth calls it “self-care for nonprofits” and notes that organizations that do cause marketing need to find ways to prevent burnout among their people. Many nonprofits fail to realize the importance of healthcare and being physically fit in achieving the overall objective of the organization. In fact, to achieve the change they want, people in nonprofits work for 20 hours to the point of burnout. Healthcare is one of the things given the least priority, especially for groups with a tight budget. But as Kami points out, there are ways to pay for healthcare. For example, a company that wants to engage in cause marketing can support the healthcare program of their chosen nonprofit and thus help a nonprofit do better work.
Beth, Kami, and Mitchell also talked about how cause marketing can be done better. Beth notes that back in the 1990s, nonprofits were unable to fully maximize technology and the Internet for cause marketing. Today, all that has changed, and nonprofits can now effectively do their work by taking advantage of networks and data.
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Here are a couple of AhaMessages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AhaAmplifier.com/.
• When cause marketing is done well, society benefits. @Kanter #TLL
• How can you support nonprofits so they can do better work? @kamichat #TLL
• Influence marketing: finding somebody who can use your product and having them tell friends. @happyabout #TLL
• Move on from chronic stress to chronic self-care! @Kanter #TLL
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