
Thought Leader Life 111: Guest Phoebe Chongchua

Our co-host for the month of March is Jacob Warwick (@JacobWarwick) and one of our guests was Phoebe Chongchua (@PhoebeChongchua).


Mike McDermott

In this episode, Mitchell Levy, Chief Aha Instigator of the Aha Amplifier(, with his co-host for the month, #ThoughtLeader Jacob Warwick, a content marketing and communications specialist and brand storyteller, sits down with #ThoughtLeader Phoebe Chongchua, a multimedia brand journalist and consultant, to discuss the importance of storytelling and brand authenticity in the millennial generation.

Human beings are storytellers. We tell stories to explain what life means and to teach ourselves important lessons. Brands also have their own stories: ones of success, connection, and satisfaction. Brand storytelling has begun to take shape. It’s true that every company has a story, but only a few know how to tell theirs. The story is what matters.

If brands know how to tell effective, transparent, and powerful stories, they are able to attract the right clients and grow their business. They need to share the “why” behind their brand. They have to create stories that don’t read like advertising or marketing copies. They have to let consumers meet their CEO and the team.

Over the years, the ever-changing roadblocks and challenges in a fast-paced organization make leadership a difficult role to have. One of the simplest changes that help you make more connection with your workforce is being yourself — your authentic you! Don’t act like someone you’re not. You’ll lose the respect of your employees and peers.
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Here are a couple of AhaMessages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, Aha Amplifier:

• Sounds very trite, but a brand can only tell an authentic story if they know their audience, their avatar. @PhoebeChongchua #TLL
• Visual content is simply statistically more important than any other type of content that marketers are doing. @jacobwarwick #TLL
• Stories that are not authentic will fall upon deaf ears and defy blind eyes. @PhoebeChongchua #TLL
• To be a #ThoughtLeader in today’s world, you need to be authentic, trustworthy, and transparent. @happyabout #TLL


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