Thought Leader Life 119: Guest Jeff Shavitz
Our guest for Episode #119 is Jeff Shavitz (@JeffShavitz).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy, Chief Instigator of AHAs at AHAthat: http://www.ahathat.com/, and Jeff Shavitz, CEO of TrafficJamming, discuss the rudiments of writing an AHAbook. Jeff highlights the simplicity of the AHAthat system and encourages those wanting to write a book to just do it. They also touch on the merits of an AHAbook over a traditional book. Mitchell points out that having an AHAbook has hidden implications, the most important of which is that it establishes one’s credibility, thereby creating incredible opportunities for the individual.
Jeff also gets personal by sharing what the AHAbooks have done for him both professionally and personally. He says it has opened doors for him that he never thought were possible. It has also strengthened his relationships, including with his daughter when they collaborated on a book.
Lastly, Mitchell and Jeff brainstorm on how one can utilize AHAbooks, both for functional and monetary purposes.
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Here are a few AHAmessages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, AHAthat: http://www.ahathat.com/:
• You are great at something.Just pick the subject, write the book, and it will open doors you would have never imagined. @JeffShavitz #TLL
• Many people don’t have the time to actually read a full book, whereas they can read an AHA book in 10 to 20 minutes. @JeffShavitz #TLL
• Once you’ve written a book, people look at you differently.They think you’re a little smarter — no, a lot smarter. @JeffShavitz #TLL
• If you don’t want to be in social media but know you need to, here is a way.http://www.ahathat.com/ takes care of SMM. @JeffShavitz #TLL
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