Thought Leader Life 125: Guests John Dunlap and Marty Desrochers
Our co-hosts for Episodes 125 – 129 are John Dunlap (@JohnCDunlap) and Marty Desrochers (@Oper_Pineapple).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy, Chief Instigator of AHAs at AHAthat: http://www.ahathat.com/, together with his co-hosts, John Dunlap, CEO of Iconic Attractions Group and President of Jungle Island, and Marty Desrochers, President of Operation: Pineapple, coordinates an inspiring session on how to maximize revenue using effective and dependable revenue management strategies.
John and Marty, who both have a background in the themed-park industry, cite a few impressive examples on how they managed to significantly increase their revenue using no-secret tactics and management game plans without sacrificing their customers’ buying experience. They discuss how to appropriately pitch products or services in order to escalate sales, engage more customers, and keep these patrons coming back for more. The stories and insights they share are true evidences that the benefit, experience, and participation of your clients count more than the price they pay.
After this episode, there will be four exciting sessions where they will invite guests to share additional sets of helpful approach and management strategies toward more customer engagement and increase of sales.
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Here are some of the inspiring AHAmessages from the episode that you shouldn’t miss. Find out more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks that are up for grab in the social media-enabled eBook platform, AHAthat: http://www.ahathat.com/:
• Offer your guests a product thatyou believe will make them walk out the happiest. @JohnCDunlap
• Figure out who is in front of you and pitch to them the most appropriate line of products based on who they are. @oper_pineapple
• Suggestive selling and the way you price can have a huge impact on the guests today. @JohnCDunlap
• Don’t present guests the price. Recommend them products based on value and benefit. @oper_pineapple
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