Thought Leader Life 133: Co-host Brett Labit with Guest John King
Our co-host for the month is Brett Labit (@BrettLabit) and our guest is John Jantsch (@DuctTape).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy (@HappyAbout), the AHA Guy at AHAthat, and Brett Labit (@BrettLabitsr), Chief Empowerment Officer of WEVO Global (http://www.wevoglobal.com), exchange insights with #ThoughtLeader John King (@FlowDaddy13), founder of The Cultural Hero Project and the founding partner and CEO of Cultural Architecture (http://www.culturalarchitecture.com). This TLL episode focuses on shifting from the old paradigm to the new paradigm and how success can be achieved by collaboration, teamwork, and one’s willingness to let go of having to control someone and be dominant.
In this episode, John discusses how important authentic leadership is in leading a team toward success. He points out that people who work together and collaborate are far more productive and successful. It’s the leader’s job to understand this and get everyone’s intelligence on it to reach their common goal or purpose. Brett talks about how the concept of tribes is clearly shown nowadays and why a tribe, which functions as one unit, is the key to many economic and social issues.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of AHA messages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” e-books available in the social media-enabled e-book platform, Aha Amplifier: http://AHAthat.com.
- The communication begins with listening and ends with speaking. @FlowDaddy13
- In this day and age, if we’re going to actually move the rock up the hill, it’s going to take all of us together. @FlowDaddy13
- Want to be happier day to day? Recognize who somebody else “really” is and help them be successful. @HappyAbout
- As a leader, you need to know your contribution to the tribe and know that it’s not about just you. @BrettLabitsr
- Let’s all harmonically move in one direction through collaboration toward a common purpose. @BrettLabitsr
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