Thought Leader Life 134: Co-host Brett Labit with Guest Don Boyer
Our co-host for the month is Brett Labit (@BrettLabit) and our guest is Don Boyer (http://aha.pub/DonBoyer).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy (@HappyAbout), the AHA Guy at AHAthat, and Brett Labit (@BrettLabitsr), Chief Empowerment Officer of WEVO Global (http://www.wevoglobal.com), exchange insights with #ThoughtLeader Don Boyer, who is a filmmaker, motivational speaker, author of the bestselling book series, “The Power of Mentorship,” and founder of Carnegie Principle (https://www.carnegieprinciple.com). This TLL episode focuses on being successful both on the inside and the outside, and how important it is for entrepreneurs to be open and teachable.
In this episode, Don discusses how business people and entrepreneurs need to keep an open mind in order to absorb new information and new ideas. As leaders, it’s crucial that we learn something new every chance we get, apply it in our lives, and share that knowledge with others and grow with them in the process. You can impact people by setting off a signal that’s both high and positive enough, it makes them want to listen and learn.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of AHA messages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” e-books available in the social media-enabled e-book platform, AHAthat: http://AHAthat.com.
- Don’t seek the competitive edge; seek the creative edge. How? Simply by being teachable. http://aha.pub/DonBoyer
- We live in a different time that makes business today completely different than it was 25 years ago. http://aha.pub/DonBoyer
- We must slow down in order to speed up. How? By getting away from the internet & doing some inner reflection. http://aha.pub/DonBoyer
- Slow down to move fast, and when you’re moving fast, make sure you’re moving in the right direction. @HappyAbout
- Your imagination is where the gold is. It’s where you can create any dream you want. http://aha.pub/DonBoyer
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