Thought Leader Life 136: Guest Robert Clancy
Our guest for Episode #136 is Robert Clancy (@GuideToSoul).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy (@HappyAbout), the AHA Guy at AHAthat, exchanges insights with #ThoughtLeader Robert Clancy (@GuideToSoul), the co-founder and managing partner of Spiral Design (https://www.spiraldesign.com/) and bestselling author of “Soul Cyphers.” This TLL episode focuses on being seen, heard, and felt in the community and sharing love and positivity to people we encounter each day, making the world we live in today even better.
In this episode, Robert and Mitchell discuss how individuals and companies can greatly affect the community around them. He proves that love makes all the difference and that love is what this world and its people need today. When you bring love and compassion to the table, situations and people turn out for the better. Just having a smile on your face can influence your surroundings and turn one person’s frown upside down. This episode proves that even the little things can make a huge difference, and this sort of change starts with us.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of AHA messages from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, AHAthat: http://AHAthat.com.
• Each of us has a unique journey in life — we have a unique voice & perspective. Be yourself & share that with the world. @GuideToSoul #TLL
• Leadership is having and sharing the right content with the right audience. @HappyAbout #TLL
• If you volunteer with your family, you’re not taking away from family time, you’re enhancing it. @GuideToSoul #TLL
• Who are you as a company? You’re the sum of your parts. Now the question is, “How do you make the whole better?” @HappyAbout #TLL
• You really can’t cross the bottom line until you’ve crossed your heart line. @GuideToSoul #TLL
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