Thought Leader Life 143: Guest Jeff Magee
In this episode, Mitchell Levy (@HappyAbout), TEDx speaker and the AHA Guy at AHAthat (http://AHAthat.com), and co-host Natalie Forest(@NatalieForest), founder of Success Revolutions and Revolutionize Your Potential (http://natalieforest.com),talk with #ThoughtLeader Jeff Magee (@DrJeffSpeaks), human capital developer and publisher of Professional Performance Magazine(http://JeffreyMagee.com).
This is the last episode of this series discussing the topic of achieving your potential. For Jeff, our true potential starts with our intellectual property—that which makes us unique. We can achieve our potential by using our intellectual properties and sharing them in a way that benefits other people.
Jeff also shares the metaphor of the rearview mirror and how it relates to why most people aren’t achieving their potential. When we think about any goal, we drive ourselves up to achieve it. Right in front of us is a windshield that represents the future opportunities that await us. Above it, the rearview mirror serves as our reference point of what’s behind us — those things that have passed and gone by. Jeff points out that if we focus on that rearview mirror of the past instead of on the windshield of future opportunities, we will never achieve our potential.
To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel: http://youtube.com/user/thoughtleaderlife.
Here are a couple of AHA messages from the episode. See more in the “AHA Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, AHAthat: http://AHAthat.com.
- Want to achieve your #Potential? Don’t fixate on a past disproportion; focus on the opportunities in front of you instead. @DrJeffSpeaks
- What tool sets, framework, infrastructure, or capabilities are you putting in place for tomorrow’s lives? #Legacy @HappyAbout #TLL
- If you want to achieve your #Potential, you need to know how you can plus other people and make things better. @DrJeffSpeaks #TLL
- There are two crucial key points if we want to achieve our #Potential: Honesty and Integrity. Do you have them? @NatalieForest #TLL
- Have you reached people in a way that you left maps for them to follow in order to raise their own level of performance? @DrJeffSpeaks #TLL
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