Thought Leader Life 150: Guest Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
Our guest for Episode 150 is Dr. Marshall Goldsmith (http://aha.pub/DrMarshallGoldsmith).
This episode will surely help you learn more about life as Mitchell Levy (http://aha.pub/MitchellLevy), TEDx speaker and the AHA Guy at AHAthat (https://AHAthat.com), and co-host Lisa McDonald (http://aha.pub/LisaMcDonald), author, motivational speaker, TV and radio host, and blogger (https://livingfearlesslywithlisa.com), together with their amazing guest, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith (http://aha.pub/DrMarshallGoldsmith), a world-renowned business educator, coach, author, professor, and executive (https://www.marshallgoldsmith.com), talk about the value of time and how paying it forward makes life worthwhile.
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith shares inspiring words about legacy, which is aligned with the topic for this month. According to Dr. Goldsmith, years pass very quickly and realistically speaking, we don’t work and live forever. Constraints are motivators, and we should be happy to have these constraints. The time you need to contribute to the world is NOW!
Here are a couple of AHA messages from the episode. See more in the “AHA Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, AHAthat: https://AHAthat.com.
- Years pass very quickly and we don’t work and live forever. Stop wasting time and do something worthwhile. #Legacy #TLL http://aha.pub/DrMarshallGoldsmith
- Pay it forward and be of service to other people. There’s always a way to utilize your skills and talents and to be that beacon of light for the rest of the world around you. #Legacy #TLL http://aha.pub/LisaMcDonald
- Use the knowledge you got from the people who inspired you to help others. If you can’t beat them, learn from them. #Legacy #TLL http://aha.pub/DrMarshallGoldsmith
- Many of us try to give back in some way or another. That service-leader focus is valuable. #Legacy #TLL http://aha.pub/MitchellLevy
- It doesn’t matter what scale you’re at on the hierarchy of success. You’re a human being, and there’s always a way you can give back. #Legacy #TLL http://aha.pub/LisaMcDonald
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