Thought Leader Life 157: Guest Thomas White
Our guest for the month is Thomas White (http://aha.pub/ThomasWhite).
In this episode, Mitchell Levy (http://aha.pub/MitchellLevy), TEDx speaker and the AHA Guy at AHAthat (https://AHAthat.com), and his co-host for the month, #ThoughtLeader Ronan Leonard (http://aha.pub/RonanLeonard), an author, business mentor, speaker, and founder of Return on Intellect and Eccountability, which helps overwhelmed and frustrated owners grow their businesses fast (https://www.eccountability.io/), introduce their guest, #ThoughtLeader Thomas White (http://aha.pub/ThomasWhite), founder of Profoundly Simple and Business Matters. He has created and led private and public organizations that initiated breakthroughs in areas as diverse as computer software, publishing, printing, market research, leadership development, and organizational change.
Thomas is passionate about mastery that comes from a curious mind and the drive for continuous learning. He talks about the mastermind group as a place where each member, who is an expert in a different field, can contribute to the group as a whole. The mastermind is built on trust and teamwork. Everyone benefits from multiple viewpoints and is able to view their businesses and the world in a different way.
Here are a couple of AHAmessages from the episode. See more in the “AHA Moments from Thought Leader Life” eBooks available in the social media-enabled eBook platform, AHAthat: https://AHAthat.com.
- A #Mastermind causes a shift in one’s belief. The impossible becomes possible because other people say so. Expand your possibilities! #ContinuousLearning http://aha.pub/ThomasWhite
- A #Mastermind provides you with the ability to see the world in a different way. The more you know, the more there is to learn. #ContinuousLearning http://aha.pub/ThomasWhite
- At the #Mastermind meeting, what you know is always improving because you start seeing what works and what doesn’t. Is your reality expanding? #ContinuousLearning http://aha.pub/RonanLeonard
- A #Mastermind facilitator promotes curiosity by asking the right questions. Hence, the group #ContinuouslyLearns. http://aha.pub/MitchellLevy
- One increases their professional value with the #Mastermind group and in turn, increases their value in the marketplace. Are you increasing your professional value? #Teamwork http://aha.pub/ThomasWhite
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