
Thought Leader Life 191: Guest Ken Homer



Engage in collaborative conversations to get the work done. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Ken Homer (, founder of Collaborative Conversations and developer of The World Cafe dialogue process. He is a seasoned organizational development practitioner, coach, communication facilitator, and process artist.

Ken helps management teams, organizers, and decision-makers develop a high level of conversational competence so their team can have more effective collaborations. He coaches them on how to listen and communicate in such a way that everyone in the conversation can contribute and bring out the best in each other.

To learn more about Ken Homer, go to To get in touch with him, visit

Here are a couple of AHAmessages from this episode:

  • A major pain point for management teams, organizers, and decision-makers is that only one in three projects comes in on time and on budget because they don’t know how to engage in #CollaborativeConversations. @KenHomer
  • Management teams usually have a hard time talking together in ways that can bring out the best in each other. This may hinder the team from accomplishing a goal. Are you having #CollaborativeConversations in your team? @KenHomer
  • Do you know how to listen very deeply to a person, so you get what’s being said, what’s not being said, and what’s really important? Consider learning how to acquire a high level of #ConversationalCompetence at work.
  • #CollaborativeConversations involve knowing how to be in the right conversation about the right thing at the right time with the right people. Does your organization collaborate effectively to accomplish a project? @KenHomer
  • When you have #CollaborativeConversations in your organization, you can tap the wisdom of your entire team. @KenHomer

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