
Thought Leader Life 305: Guest Theresa Gale

Strategize change by identifying the gaps blocking the growth and productivity of your organization. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Theresa Gale (, a speaker, consultant, certified executive coach, and co-founder of Transform, Inc. with Mary Anne Wampler (they also co-wrote a book: “Wake Up and Sell”). She helps transform businesses to run like well-oiled machines, with responsible and accountable leaders fostering an environment where all employees are fully committed to the company’s success.

Theresa is certified in conversational intelligence and licensed in administering several tools designed to achieve maximum benefit from training and consulting, including Enneagram — one of the top of the leading-edge ideas. She helps design organizational systems for businesses, define policies and procedures (and even training guides), and create the benchmarks needed to collaborate and track the success of organizations.

If you’re a business owner and recognize that your business is not scalable, consider reaching out to Theresa Gale by visiting her website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

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