Thought Leader Life 317: Guest Nathan Kievman
Successfully close deals with the right engagement. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Nathan Kievman (, CEO of Linked Strategies. He is also a highly sought-after digital strategist, executive engagement specialist and consultant, and demand generation strategist.
Nathan conducts consulting services for executives about executive engagement. He delivers a steady stream of highly targeted and pre-qualified meetings with top executives, CEOs, and other key decision-makers who are typically hard to reach. He is focused on helping his clients create marketing initiatives with measurable and predictable outcomes by properly engaging with their target market.
If you’re an executive and aren’t sure if you’re fishing in the wrong pond and/or are having difficulty with #Engagement, consider reaching out to Nathan Kievman by visiting his website at or
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- Executives who are fishing in the wrong pond should look at the work being done by Nathan Kievman. #Engagement @NathanKievman
- Get executives to not just pay attention, which is what traditional #Marketing does, but to take the meeting. #Engagement @NathanKievman
- Build better relationships at a higher level in a more authentic way so you can make the most powerful conversation possible, win the business, and impact the world. #Engagement @NathanKievman
- Ultimately, our mission is to help accelerate the growth of conscious and transformational companies, groups, or individuals who are trying to make an effective change within their organization. #Engagement @NathanKievman
- You can win 30% to 50% of your deals consistently with a better structure, a better starting point, and how you structure and propose on the front-end of the deals. #Engagement @NathanKievman
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