
Thought Leader Life 320: Guest Jessica Dewell


Push your business to the next level beyond its plateau with flexibility and purposeful action. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Jessica Dewell (, growth entrepreneur, founder and managing partner of Red Direction, strategy consultant and speaker and host of VBBRadio’s Women’s Leadership Roundtable.

Jessica grows startups and small and medium-size enterprises to help them set strategy and achieve a vision and a market potential even when the details are evolving daily. Her expertise revolves around business and management consulting where she supports the development of leaders and teams and facilitates their abilities to determine what needs to be done in order to grow despite rapid changes and how that growth will be achieved.

If you’re in management, driving for more growth and understanding the true worth of your business in order to make decisions, consider reaching out to Jessica Dewell through her website and going to

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

  • Management teams that recognize their limitations in how company leadership gets to the bottom dollar and a return on investment, and that aspire to more growth with dimensional leadership, should reach out to Jessica Dewell.
  • There will always be communication issues between employees. With my guidance, I can help bridge the gap to ensure you maintain a successful business with a healthy work culture and purposeful actions at all times. #NextLevel @jess_dewell
  • When operations and strategy overlap, I can guide you and help you to focus on making the best decisions with regard to that overlap for the advantage and advancement of your business. #NextLevel
  • Do you have strategies in place that get lost along the way when they are communicated and then later on executed operationally another way? I can provide insight where mishaps and missteps usually happen during the whole process of implementation. @jess_dewell
  • When you invite me to your boardroom meeting, or an executive retreat, I can watch and listen and do a whole lot of analysis. In those observations, my role is to supply discernment and prioritization where they are lacking. #NextLevel

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