
Thought Leader Life 333: Guest Tony Chatman


Reinvent your personal and professional decision-making process by reducing bias to create a more inclusive workplace. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Tony Chatman (, who is a corporate relationships expert, leadership speaker, trainer, reinvention expert and a board member of the Captain Phillips Lane Kirkland Maritime Trust. He worked as a chemical engineer for a Fortune 500 company for a number of years and later ventured into studying human behavior in order to understand what makes people change and excel.

Tony has a profound ability to connect with his audience by communicating his message in an entertaining way balanced with science and practical insight. He is passionate about creating new and stronger foundations for true leadership and for sharing his expertise on topics involving unconscious bias, culture change and change management.

If you have diversity and inclusion issues in your organization including change management needs, consider reaching out to Tony Chatman by visiting his website and going to

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

  • Orgs that recognize they have an issue with leadership, diversity and inclusion or managing disruption and change should reach out to Tony Chatman. #Inclusivity
  • When you you need training on diversity or change management, what you really need is a change in culture. I will help you deal with the actual issues you’re faced with, not just the symptoms. #Inclusivity @TonyChatman
  • My role is to keep you motivated and focused in order to turn individual differences in your org into healthy work relationships that produce competitive business advantages. #Inclusivity  @TonyChatman
  • Are you looking for strategies that you can adapt in order to produce results both personally and professionally? I can empower you and your team with mindsets that are useful for both business and personal success.
  • Having been in leadership myself and having worked with people at all levels of leadership in a way that brings results, gives me the credibility to counsel you about improving your leadership, increasing your inclusion and fixing your culture. #Inclusivity @TonyChatman

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