
Thought Leader Life 351: Guest Duane Morrow



Adapt to a new normal by simplifying complicated situations and having an extremely positive outlook on life. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Duane Morrow (, a business leader, consultant, advisor and board member of Shepherd Center and Blazesports America. He also has leadership roles in similar organizations which show that he’s a serial winner and survivor. He has overcome ten near-death experiences and ten surgeries and he is a strong and elite wheelchair athlete.

Duane broke his neck during a rugby match in 2004 while living and working in England and it paralyzed him from the chest down. That did not stop him at all and, in fact, while his life changed, he learned to adapt and even continued his passion for sports in both leisure and competition. He’s a self-taught expert in peer support, therapy, emerging technologies and adaptive sports.

If you, or someone you know, haven’t gotten over a traumatic injury and need support to find a new normal, consider reaching out to Duane Morrow by visiting his website and calling or texting his cell phone 404-952-4530.

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

  • People who had a traumatic and debilitating injury and are feeling hopeless and need help and motivation, should reach out to Duane Morrow.
  • There may be a lot of disadvantages to being in a wheelchair but I can help you find the positives. I can help you to truly stabilize yourself so that you have a mentally and physically fit mind and body that you can live with and accept. #RiseUpChampion
  • My role is to guide you in finding a new normal in your physically challenging situation where you can embrace what God has given you and use your story as a platform to be a blessing to others. #RiseUpChampion
  • Do you think of yourself as the guy in a wheelchair who always gets noticed by people? With my mentorship, you can use that opportunity for good advocacies and causes as it gives you an industry that most people don’t have. #RiseUpChampion
  • “I am the presentation.” My words and life are the example that you need in order to become tough and to continue to strive for excellence and to build lasting relationships, be they in business or your personal life. #RiseUpChampion

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