Thought Leader Life 358: Guest Gordon Tredgold
Figure out what derails your project and people, and learn the strategies to turn it around. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Gordon Tredgold, a business and IT transformation expert.
Gordon works with organizations that want to equip their leaders with the tools to drive engagement, performance, and profits.
If you are self-aware and recognize that you’re not giving either to your family, yourself, your job, or the org and want to figure that out, reach out to Gordon Tredgold at
Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:
- Orgs that recognize that they’re not getting the results they want should reach out to Gordon Tredgold at #TurnaroundCaptain
- I help people get out of overwhelm. I create simple strategies, and I can do this either in workshops or speaking. #TurnaroundCaptain
- I inspire people to take action by showing them the path to success. I show them, step by step, how they can be successful. When people see that path, they just take it. That’s what inspires them to take action. #TurnaroundCaptain
- I just put the train back on the track, and off it goes to the destination. It’s massively powerful. #TurnaroundCaptain
- I spent 30 years as a turnaround expert for IT. I got the job of the captain of the Titanic post-iceberg. When you’ve done that 20-30 times, you get to understand what it is that derails projects and people. #TurnaroundCaptain
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