Thought Leader Life 366: Guest Leila Blauner
Revolutionize your hiring process through deep-dive interviews and custom simulations. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Leila Blauner (, founder and team growth strategist at Scalability Solutions LLC.
Leila conducts coaching, program design, and facilitation, as well as execution of hiring and retention strategies for companies. She has 20 years of experience in hiring her own team members with an extremely high success rate. She is passionate about creating a world where people are happy, successful, and empowered at work by transforming the way that organizations build and lead their teams.
If you’re having trouble #Hiring, reach out to Leila Blauner by visiting her website at or
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- Companies that are struggling with #Hiring should look at the work being done by Leila Blauner.
- Have you revolutionized your hiring process to become more effective and efficient? An efficient and effective #Hiring process results in increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.
- We design deep-dive interviews and custom simulations that mimic what the job would be like, and teach our clients to use those tools to make great hires themselves, or we can vet candidates for them. #Hiring
- Holistically assessing the candidate and sharing everything that could make them an ideal fit for the specific role in the company, including the industry, team, manager, and culture, is significant in the #Hiring process.
- Providing companies with the tools and training that they need is another way to help them. It empowers them to be able to do the #Hiring process themselves efficiently and effectively.
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