
Thought Leader Life 410: Guest Josh Elledge



Increase your company’s sales and revenue, and earn respect and profitable partnerships by becoming an influencer. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Josh Elledge (, a syndicated TV expert, newspaper columnist, and keynote speaker. He turns business pros into media celebrities and creates over 10 appointments a week with his dream clients for various B2B businesses.

Josh is passionate about spreading his own PR fairy dust, which has made him an influencer with his digital consumer advocacy, lifestyle brand, and He provides step-by-step tools, coaching, and PR hacks for entrepreneurs to dramatically increase their sales and revenue. He is determined to attracting the perfect audiences without spending as much as they would on traditional PR services.

If you’re a high-tech company with a start-up growth and are wondering how other companies get the records and press the easy button, reach out to Josh Elledge by going to his website at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

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