
Thought Leader Life 413: Guest David Goldsmith



Achieve greater business results through a paradigm shift. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert David Goldsmith (, the president of Goldsmith Organization. He is also a consultant, inventor, advisor, speaker, serial entrepreneur, and author.

For over 30 years, David has founded or co-founded more than a dozen businesses, ranging from distribution and manufacturing to advertising, for which he earned several awards and accolades. He advises and provides consultation services to decision-makers in commerce, nonprofits, associations, and organizations, including the military, government, and education.

If you are a CEO looking for a #ParadigmShift, reach out to David Goldsmith by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • CEOs of various industries and different-sized companies looking for a #ParadigmShift should reach out to David Goldsmith. @Goldsmith
  • Every now and then, something happens, like a pandemic or a movement from the industrial age. CEOs will need to think about the world in a completely different way. #ParadigmShift @Goldsmith
  • I have a skill set like an artist has a skill set. I see and bring best practices together in different industries anywhere in the world. I can help you find the solutions you are looking for through a #ParadigmShift. @Goldsmith
  • I started my first business while I was in university. I’ve worked with different industries and environments on every continent. This gives me the credibility to help CEOs with #ParadigmShift thinking.
  • The rapid changes in today’s emerging technologies, disrupters, and market players have introduced greater demands on CEOs. I teach CEOs to be better at what they do to keep up with these demands. #ParadigmShift @Goldsmith

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