
Thought Leader Life 429: Guest Jackie Lapin



Get booked with credible connections to have greater success and visibility. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jackie Lapin (, a nationally recognized media relations expert, best-selling award-winning author and sports writing journalist, and founder of SpeakerTunity, which provides direct contacts to book transformational speaker opportunities all around North America. It’s the first resource that gives speakers, experts, authors, and entrepreneurs exactly what they need most.

Jackie is an expert in helping leaders and authors get booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, and virtual summits. She tailors to the needs of leaders, experts, entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, health practitioners, network marketers, and anyone else who needs to get in front of an audience to grow their business, such as providing Radio Media Tours through connections with radio shows and podcasts specifically focused on personal, business, and spiritual expansion.

To learn more about Jackie Lapin and how she makes authors and leaders shine, visit her websites, and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Authors and leaders who want to press the easy button to get on more in-person and online stages should reach out to Jackie Lapin.
  • I understand what the media wants and needs, which gives me the credibility to represent and introduce you on radio, TV, internet, and print and make you the star of media and stage. How much do you want to #GetBooked?
  • My role is to find out about you, what you want to do, and where you’re headed to help you crystallize your message to the world and the places you can deliver it. #GetBooked
  • If you’re an expert or author seeking to make a positive change in the world and be more visible, I can give you regional speaker lead directories from small to huge numbers of individual contacts in the market of your choice. #GetBooked
  • I have a wealth of PR knowledge and strategic experience with a world-class client list, which gives me the credibility to connect you to the right people to #GetBooked. This is my lifelong wheelhouse.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit