
Thought Leader Life 501: Guest Jack Monson



Local marketing penetration strategies for global brands. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jack Monson (, the Chief Revenue Officer of Social Joey. He is also the host of the top-rated business and marketing podcast, Social Geek Radio.

Jack is a seasoned social media marketing, franchise marketing, brand journalism, and public relations expert. He works with franchise systems as well as national to large brands, helping them market locally. He gives businesses a meaningful presence on social media platforms with engaging content that makes their business shine.

If you’re managing a large brand and you recognize the need for #LocalMarketing in a number of local markets, you should consider reaching out to Jack Monson by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Global brands that are having trouble marketing locally should reach out to Jack Monson. #LocalMarketing @JackMonson
  • If you’ve got a brand that’s universally known, it is important to touch people exactly where they see things in a way that is memorable and important. #LocalMarketing @JackMonson
  • Are you struggling with reaching out to local markets in promoting your brand? I can take care of everything for you. This is not a “Do-It-Yourself” project. #LocalMarketing @JackMonson
  • We take care of everything from writing the content that’s going on social media to creating and implementing the ads that are going to go on social media for all those local markets. #LocalMarketing @JackMonson
  • Having worked with franchise and business owners for about 12 years gives me the credibility to help them how to market their global brand locally. #LocalMarketing @JackMonson

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