
Thought Leader Life 507: Guest Laura Jack



Overcoming grief by learning the right things to say when the wrong things happen. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Laura Jack (, a compassionate leadership expert, trainer, and coach. She is also the best-selling author of “The Compassion Code: How to Say the Right Thing When the Wrong Thing Happens.”

Laura is a grief recovery specialist. She leads a private group who are working with people who have experienced loss of any kind and who want to live normal again, to find joy, and be reconnected with people. She helps them complete what is left unfinished in their relationship so they can be free to live a life with more joy and less pain.

If you’re grieving or know somebody who is grieving, and you want to feel normal again, you should consider reaching out to Laura Jack by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • People who are grieving and who want to feel normal again should reach out to Laura Jack. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach
  • I always thought that the best words to say when something happens is not “It sucks!” But, now that it has happened to me, I’m like, “Yes, it does.” #Grief @LauraJackCoach
  • I learned from teenagers. Until they understand what it means to live in society, they’re pretty unfiltered. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach
  • Are you grieving or know someone who is in pain? I can help you by teaching you to say the right thing when the wrong thing happens. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach
  • I help people who are grieving, who want to feel normal again, so they can re-enter their life, find joy again, and be reconnected with other people instead of feeling isolated in their feelings. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach

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