
Thought Leader Life 538: Guest Tom Matzen



Building your brand and global movement through effective high-ticket programs. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Tom Matzen (, who is the co-founder of Embark Million Dollar Authority Partnership. He helps entrepreneurs create high-ticket programs that guarantee results.

Tom is an international best-selling author and seminar presenter. He has been able to share his message of business success and failure to more than 100,000 people on 4 continents. His personal coaching clients have generated more than one hundred million in sales in dozens of industries. Tom’s vision is to empower entrepreneurs to be the greatest force for good they can be.

If you are an unknown entrepreneur, and you’re trying to get your brand out to the marketplace, you should consider reaching out to Tom Matzen by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Unknown #Entrepreneurs should reach out to Tom Matzen. @ravingfans4life
  • Part of the problem in this world is that way too many #Entrepreneurs fail even when there’s more money and knowledge than before. Our mission is to reverse the failure rate of small businesses across the globe. @ravingfans4life
  • We can help #Entrepreneurs succeed by inspiring change and getting them to lead with strategy. As a result, they can build their brand and make the type of income they deserve to make. @ravingfans4life
  • We create high-ticket programs where we work with #Entrepreneurs to build skills, accountability, and mentorship for them. If you are an unknown entrepreneur, we can help you deliver the impact that you desire. @ravingfans4life
  • Every business is a movement. I’ve spent the last 10 years helping #Entrepreneurs figure out how to create movements where people will support their vision. @ravingfans4life

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