Thought Leader Life 549: Guest Kris Yagel
Exceed client expectations and be awe-inspiring with a commitment to the highest level of service. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Kris Yagel (, leadership expert, TEDx and DIsruptHR speaker, award-winning executive, top rated army officer, and founder and CEO of Diligent Plans. He is a servant leader who has also worked with Fortune 100 companies with a proven record of winning and believes that everyone has value and purpose.
Kris’ motto is simple: Do whatever it takes to help others grow. He is passionate in helping others to recognize their worth that lie within themselves and this can be seen in the way he guides his clients to achieve a breakthrough by helping them become more awe-inspiring leaders than they are today.
If you’re strong enough to say “I am sometimes a leader who is unsure,” consider reaching out to Kris Yagel by visiting his websites and
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- Leaders who are unsure should reach out to Kris Yagel.
- With my guidance, I can help you become an exceptional leader with a high-functioning team who creates hope and inspires action. #AweInspiring @krisyagel
- The world is evolving rapidly. I can teach you how to remain flexible in the ever-changing needs of your clients while remaining true to your principles and core values. #AweInspiring @krisyagel
- Leaders are often too close to the problem or to a solution, whatever it may be. I can assist you in seeing things in perspective so you don’t get stuck and hit the sticking point. #AweInspiring
- I can provide you with both breadth and depth by planting seeds in you to learn and grow from where you can actually see changes in your leadership. Are you ready to be an #AweInspiring leader? @krisyagel
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