Thought Leader Life 556: Guest David Kauffman
Fixing broken relationships within the workplace by understanding people from a different perspective. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert David Kauffman (, the owner of Empowering Small Business. He is also a mentor to High Achievers, Top 100 Keynote Speaker, Ziglar Legacy Trainer, an Author and a master DISC trainer.
David enjoys working with businesses to drive better results, whether it is by doing keynote speeches, delivering training programs, or doing one-on-one or group coaching. His experience as a business owner coupled with his certifications allows him to get results for those he works with. He is one of 10 DISC Master Trainers in the world and he was hand-selected to carry on the legacy of Zig Ziglar as a Ziglar Certified Trainer.
If you have #BrokenRelationships in the workplace and you may recognize that you do, you should reach out to David Kaufman by visiting or through LinkedIn at
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- If you have #BrokenRelationships within the workplace, you should reach out to David Kauffman by visiting or through LinkedIn at
- Sharing credibility is not just done on stage or during seminars; it has to be every day. It has to be who you really are. #BrokenRelationships
- Before all of this pandemic and craziness, the workplace already has #BrokenRelationships. What I do is help leaders, business owners, individuals, and even married couples to understand and relate to other people.
- If we don’t give, what good are we to society? #BrokenRelationships
- It’s so important for every person to continually put something in so that we can give something out. #BrokenRelationships
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