
Thought Leader Life 561: Guest Michael Holloway



Reduce variable costs with machinery technical training. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Michael D. Holloway MLE, CLS, MLT I II, MLA I II III, LLA I II, OMA (, an author and the president of 5th Order Industry LLC, which provides MLE, MLT, MLA, LLA, OMA and CLS certification preparation classes around the world.

Michael D. Holloway possesses over 30 years of aggregated experience in the industry. A scholar in his own right, he obtained the US Patent for “Bearing Cleaning Composition and Method of Use” in 2007.

If you’re looking for competent technical training, consider reaching out to Michael Holloway by visiting or

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

  • Professionals involved in all aspects of machinery that just aren’t just trained properly should reach out to Michael Holloway. #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63
  • The money comes in the form of downtime parts, replacement labor, the whole nine yards. But worry no more, we can bail you out from all these sorts of miseries! Train with us. #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63
  • Michael Holloway has published numerous books, including the Dictionary of Industrial Terms. You should now know, he is bonafide! For #MachineryTechnicalTraining, only come to the expert! @MDHolloway63
  • Do you know anyone who has earned five degrees??? Well, I do! Michael Holloway has procured five college degrees in prestigious universities across the US. Only learn from those who learn from the best!!! #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63
  • When people hire me, they’re getting the best competency development money can buy essentially! #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63

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