
Thought Leader Life 564: Guest Tracey Richardson



Align your business KPIs through stratagem management. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Tracey Richardson (, a Toyota Motor manufacturing Kentucky veteran. She is also the co-owner, president and founder of Teaching Lean, Inc.

Tracey Richardson is the author of The Toyota Engagement Equation. A passionate mensch in her profession, she commits herself to leadership development and executive coaching.

If you’re part of an organization that’s losing profitability because you’re continually fighting the symptoms and not the core problems, it is best to reach out to Tracey Richardson via or

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

  • Organizations that are losing profitability by firefighting symptoms of problems should reach out to Tracey Richardson. #KPI @Tracey_San
  • My didactic experience with Toyota has allowed me to influence over 1000 different companies in ways of people development, empowering them, changing a culture and making a difference in the work and connecting those folks with the #KPIs. @Tracey_San
  • I got a hold of the opportunity to work with the Toyota Institute and the University of Toyota learning their specific curriculum around leadership, and all the things that you assimilate really set Toyota aside from a culture perspective! #KPI @Tracey_San
  • We work in translating the Toyota Production System of thinking, because it’s all about thinking. It’s not really about Toyota, but the thinking behind it. #KPI @Tracey_San
  • We foster people engagement, enfranchise them to have a voice in their work, and impart to them that they are part of the system… not a sale to convince but to engage, involve, and empower a type of culture. #KPI @Tracey_San

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