
Thought Leader Life 591: Guest Angelique Rewers



Showing small businesses how to level the playing field with big companies to have massive impact and massive financial reward. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Angelique Rewers (, she is the founder of the Premier Global Network of Experts serving corporate clients. She is also a Keynote Speaker and Top Media Contributor.

Angelique specialize in helping consultants, executive coaches, diverse suppliers, service providers, corporate trainers, speakers, and self-employed experts to win high-value corporate clients. She leverages her own experience navigating both sides of the corporate buying table over the last two decades to help her clients land corporate clients, boost revenue and stand out from the crowd. Her strategies are built on direct, real-world experience.

If you’re running a small business and you want to land big clients. You want to land the big fish and you’re thinking, “how do I start?” or “where do I go?,” You should reach out to Angelique Rewers by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Small business winning #CorporateClients should reach out to Angelique Rewers by visiting her website at @CorporateAgent
  • When you think about working with #CorporateClients typically one of two things is true either you feel like you’re too small or you’re suffering through a lot of common pain points that have been around for generations.
  • We showed the small guy, small gal, business wise, how to level the playing field with those big companies. To have massive impact and massive financial reward. #CorporateClients @CorporateAgent
  • We have helped small business owners and entrepreneurs in 72 countries to land all sorts of #CorporateClients. Everything you can imagine to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. @CorporateAgent
  • We really have developed a lot of systems, templates, frameworks and things that are both flexible and repeatable. I think that’s the real, the art and science of it. #CorporateClients @CorporateAgent

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