
Thought Leader Life 595: Guest Byrd Baggett



Improve leadership effectiveness and bottom-line profitability with authenticity. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Byrd Baggett (, Certified Speaking Professional (highest earned designation presented by the National Speakers Association), best-selling author, co-founder and senior vice president of True Growth Leadership, and partner-member of LWM III Consulting. His corporate experience includes sales and management careers with two (2) Fortune 500 companies.

Byrd has been helping organizations develop authentic leaders and passionately engaged teams since 1990. He has written fifteen (15) books on the topic of sales, customer service, leadership, and motivation. Byrd’s passion and purpose is helping people live lives of peace, prosperity, and significance, and inspiring hope in others.

To learn more about authentic leadership and how to have your people demonstrate the same authenticity, consider reaching out to Byrd Baggett and visit his websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

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