
Thought Leader Life 647: Guest Lonnie Sciambi



Create an endgame and drive business growth to achieve maximum value. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Lonnie Sciambi (, speaker, advisor, small business owners’ mentor, author, director/CEO of Value Force, and popularly known as “The Entrepreneur’s Yoda.” He has more than 30 years of experience in both public and private companies across multiple industries.

Lonnie is passionate in helping entrepreneurs and small business owners build and realize value from their business while keeping them from the ‘dark side.’ He has started and sold several of his own companies and has turned around 8 others. He has been involved in raising more than $350 million capital as an entrepreneur, investment banker and senior executive, and responsible for nearly 40 merger and acquisition transactions.

To learn more Lonnie Sciambi’s work, visit his websites at and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Small business owners without an “endgame” should reach out to Lonnie Sciambi and he’ll help you define it.
  • An #Endgame is the second most important exit plan that an entrepreneur will ever have. Would you do your most important without a will? I can mentor you on how to consider an endgame plan as the will for your business.
  • My role is to advise you on what you need to hear and not just what you want to hear and I immerse myself in your business becoming part of it, accessible 24/7. #Endgame
  • I can teach you executable solutions for key issues you face no matter where you are in your growth cycle – early stage, growth or near exit. #Endgame
  • I’ve seen small business for every conceivable angle for many years giving me the credibility to provide you guidance, borne of experience, and experience that you can leverage in your enterprise. #Endgame

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